Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Master and Commander of Me, What’s your Affirmation

Being a Master and Commander of Me takes commitment and discipline.
(M is for Master)
If you answered the following question truthfully, do you feel guilty or say that will never happen.

How would you fill in this question? “If I’m good to myself, _____________.”

Do you take compliments with a thank you and reflect on it that that is you. What do you see in the mirror? Is it the same as what others see?

Does the mirror talk back and give you advice like in the fairytale? Is it your real reflection or your negative reflection of what lies you have been telling yourself.

I will tell you right now, quit doing that!
Master and Commander
Come and learn how to set your affirmations the correct way and to tie them into your goals. See our Top Producer Formula.

Can I share a few things with you that will help you with being the “Master and Commander of Me”, meaning “YOU”?

Write down what you want and where you want to be. Be specific and accurate, right down to the detail. Then say it every day, in the morning and at night.

Soon you will start to see changes. Others will start seeing the things you are asking yourself!   Take your complements and reflect on them.

Get rid of the negative and build a positive NEW you.

Master and Commander of Me

Use these:        Master and Commander

Why am I so confident?
Why do I love feeling so confident?
Why am I so capable?
Why am I so comfortable being Who I Really Am?

Why do I attract more than enough in my life?
Why am I good enough, even though I’m not perfect?
Why am I perfectly equipped to do what I’m here to do?
Why am I so loved?

Why is it ok to love myself?
Why is it ok to treat myself well?
Why did God create perfection in me?
Why is it easy for people to get to know and like me?

Why am I respected?
Why do I let others see my worth and value?
Why do I see only the best in myself and in others?
Why am I allowed to do all I really want to in this life?

By being the Master and Commander of Me,  takes good affirmations, which is a statement of something you want to be true in your life. (Come and learn how to really apply these in our TOP Producer Formula.)

Here is an example.

“I am good enough!”

Does your mind really believe in what you are trying to tell yourself? Most likely it has lots of doubts.

Not everyone responds to the affirmations they keep saying over and over, day in and day out. Their minds just don’t seem to respond. Why?

Did you know that your mind is always asking questions? It is constantly searching and calculating. It doesn’t like responding to statements.

Don’t tell, when you should ask! Even the Bible says “Ask and you shall receive “.

First ask yourself what your problems are. Any problem is simply a question that hasn’t been answered yet.
Your mind works on automatic, it is a wonderful tool. When you ask it a question it shifts into a mode to search for an answer. Learn more on how to apply them in our Top Producer Formula. It will teach you how to make your statements accurate for what your goals are and how to apply them into your daily action.

Being the “Master and Commander of Me” is for me to change the statements of what I am saying to myself, but it will not change the way I want, if I forget to change the questions I also ask myself.
Be The best you can be.
related posts:
P.S. Do you have a Home Based Business?
I’m looking for a select new group of people to mentor personally to $5 to $10K per month.
Are you serious about making it happen? Watch this video and follow the instructions.
I’ll be in touch with your next assignment right after you join.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Take Action and Face Your Fears

It seems like everyone is scared of something. Where does our fear come from?

There are only two fears that are truly fears in life. One is the “Fear of Falling”, and the other is the “Fear of Loud Noises”. (I learned this in our Inner Circle program).

Your fears come from inside of you. They are from your past, they are from what others tell you, they are from what you think others think. It’s time to stand up to your fears, it is time to go after what it is that you want and let nothing stand in your way. TAKE ACTION.

“You do not need to prove who you are to others, if you can prove to yourself who YOU are”.

Do not let others lead your life for you. God is the only one who really knows where your life is going. Live life to the fullest for what you want out of it. There is only one individual that is truly stopping you and that is yourself.

I know, you can come up with many excuses.

How do I know that?      afraid

Because I was there, I let others lead me. It was simpler that way, the complications were on other people. I just followed the steps.

But, what does that actually do for you? NOTHING! It get you NO WHERE!

It might be easier being the follower, but when it comes to getting the riches, or getting ahead, who gets it? The one out in front, the leader! They are the ones who get recognized. They are the ones with their name on things. You might have helped them, but did you step it up, was it your hard work?

Where do you see your life going?
What needs to be changed?
I wanted a change, I wanted something to call my own, something to get me to where I saw others at.

This is what happened to me:

I opened my computer, logged onto Facebook and there I saw it…
Another person posting a screenshot of the lavish lifestyle they are living, and all of the money they are making…what did I think?
Maybe, just maybe I could have a little piece of that!    lifestyel

… And as I looked a little closer, I saw a link with details on how I could live a life like that too…
What would you do? Do you only wish or do you face your fear and click the link…????

Wishing a little harder I closed my eyes and hit the link.

I was taken to a video presentation with out of the world promises of this dream lifestyle that you too could be living…CLICK HERE

“The lifestyle you want is “one click away” you hear them say…
… All you have to do is click the sign up link below the video, and the lifestyle is yours…”
OK, next fear and question is do I take the leap of faith and sign up…????

You anxiously await for things to change, only to realize that you have been sold yet another pipe dream…

Reality seems to kick in…

You say to yourself that nothing is going to change for me…

Frustrated and let down, I closed my computer and called it a night…

I logged back onto Facebook the next day and saw yet another person who is living the life I wanted on Facebook…

Polina Way to go
I can’t help but wonder is it real, or if it is just another person trying to sell another pipe dream… ???

My frustration continues to deepen…I need to get back to reality and quit dreaming. This is not for me. I don’t want to get stuck or lose anything trying to get a better life. I should just go back to my boring job.

But is keeps nagging at me…”Only if…” you think to yourself…

“If Only I had someone who would set aside the pipe dream marketing and show me what I needed to do in order to experience the time freedom I desire.”

I know it’s possible to have the time freedom I desire and deserve…
I just don’t know how to get it… yet!
Want to know what I did????
I clicked that button and my world opened up and I now have a dream…..
No gimmicks…
No pipe dreams…
No false promises…
You’re going to hear about how tens of thousands of people have made their first dollar online…
And how thousands of them have went onto live the life they always wanted…
A life of time freedom.
I said “this is the day I am going to make it!

I needed to find something that I could take action on, something that could help ME overcome my fears, and get me in the leader position.

I needed something that I could do, without sacrificing what was important to me, and where I saw myself going.

All I needed was a computer with internet access and my world can be MINE again.
Where are you now?

Where do you want to go? This is the plan I found and I would love to share it with you.

How can I help?  Click the link below and find face your fears.
Please share and leave a comment below
Related posts:


Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Fundraising for a Good Charity

I wanted to give a shout out to my Blogging Friends and Home Based Business Entrepreneurs.

Tax time is upon us and we all look for Charities to donate to.

Do you have a favorite one or need to have a few more on your list.

I have one that I donate to every year.   It might seem to be a little more personal to me, but it is for a great cause, so I wanted to share.

The Scott FireFighter Stairclimb

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s (LLS) mission is to cure leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease and myeloma, and improve the quality of life of patients and their families. The LLS is the world’s largest voluntary health organization dedicated to funding blood cancer research, education and patient services. Since the first funding in 1954, LLS has awarded more than $814 million for research specifically targeting leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma.

If you have ever had a loved one who was diagnosed with cancer, you know the struggles and the research that is involved in the treatments.   It can be mind blowing how expensive that can be.  But it is needed so badly to help easy the pain and help find ways to reverse the effects, and find a cure or vaccine.

This year my husband is a Spokesman for my Son’s District after finding cancer cells in his lymph nodes this last year. (Spokane County Fire District #3).

Every year my son participates in a fundraiser for The “Leukemia & Lymphoma Society”.  This event is put on by Firefighters from all over the country.  If you have never heard about it, it is quite an event.  

Firefighter Stairclimb
Each Firefighter puts on full gear including an air pack and carries a hose.  All-in-All it weights over 100 pounds or more.   Then they race to the top of a building.  The one he runs in is 69 floors in Seattle, Wa.  That is a total amount of 1,311 stairs.  This year he is trying to beat histime of 25 minutes and 3 seconds. 

Some climbers can do it in 10 minutes.  Can you imagine how fast that is with all that extra weight?

My son will be making the climb with about 1,900 others in this particular event.  They do have other climbs all over the country.

I am asking everyone today to DONATE to his cause. His name is “Brian Mangis, from Spokane Fire District #3″

To help in this effort please click the link,,

Brian Mangis and donate from there, that will help him raise his goal. firefighter

To see what is involved in this day I have included a video to watch.

Thank you for all your help in this cause.
P.S.  Do you have a Home Based Business?  I’m looking for a select new group of people to mentor personally to $5 to $10K per month.
Are you serious about making it happen? Watch this video and follow the instructions.
I’ll be in touch with your next assignment right after you join.
Click here To Watch the Free Presentation

Monday, February 23, 2015

Your Heart Can See More Than Your Eyes

Your Heart Can See More Than Your Eyes

What do you feed your subconscious every day? Did you know your subconscious feeds your heart? Do you want a healthy heart? Feeding it can come from many sources…… Keep reading.

It can come from any of your surroundings, signs you see, picture you come across, from the books you read and from things you hear.
When you are feeding it good thoughts and inspiring it to grow it will be strong and emanate throughout you; you will have a glow of happiness that everyone will want. People will smile at you more, they will want to be around you and feed off of you.

  1. Great way to ease your tension for the day. Find a piano and play.

    When you have a happy heart that is fed good things every day, it will help you see the passions that you have in your life. It will help you find your way.

    I just loved this picture that I found and it has a powerful message!

    “Sometimes the Heart Sees What’s Invisible to the eye.”
    For me, this hit hard because I have been working on getting rid of the negativity around me. I want to feel confident and thriving. I do not want to be pulled down or shut off. I want to give it my all and see what I can achieve.

    I am learning to fill my brain with good things and feed my soul with inspiration. This picture has shown me that what I see with my eyes can be different than what my heart wants.

    I need to have it in sync to really attain my goals.

    Be on guard against the pit of self-pity. When you are weary or unwell, this demonic trap is the greatest danger you face. Don’t even go near the edge of the pit. Its edges crumble easily, and before you know it, you are on the way down. It is ever so much harder to get out of the pit than to keep a safe distance from it. That is why I tell you to be on guard.

    There are several ways to protect yourself from self-pity.

How do you fill your day?
PS – Right Now, I’m looking for a select new group of people to mentor personally to $5 to $10K per month.
Are you serious about making it happen? Watch this video and follow the instructions.
I’ll be in touch with your next assignment right after you join.
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